Genesis of an invention

The HEAD-BALANCE company was founded in 2003 by Mr.Alfred Pfennig

Heilpraktiker (German state diploma), trainer of postural balance according to A.P.

This creation follows his invention of the HEAD-BALANCE oral gymnastics device, acting on the posture by connecting the >occlusion and oral imbalance, with muscular tension in the body and its consequences (migraines, headaches, tendinitis, joint problems, SADAM*, dizziness, bruxism, neuralgia, tinnitus, etc.).

A muscle only changes if it is worked (relaxed or toned).

Indeed, during the year 2000 a patient went to her office with a bad migraine. As a Heilpraktiker practicing postural balance, he removed all the tension from his back, which had the effect of freeing his neck and making the migraine disappear. However, a little tension remained at the back of the skull (occiput). It was then that he had the idea of ​​working with the jaws, by taking a large clothespin from his desk which acted as a paper clip! He made her do oral exercises by opening and closing her mouth with these forceps for about 1 ½ minutes. After four to five minutes the tension disappeared.

Thus, after looking into the temporomandibular problem during the year 2000, he approached his fellow therapists, with whom they shared their observations. Observations which led him 3 years later to design and market this oral gymnastics device called “Head-Balance”.

His “invention” earned him the gold medal at the Lépine Paris competition in 2005 and the medal from the Société Française du Sport.

* The term algo-dysfunctional syndrome of the manducatory system (SADAM) refers to disorders of the postural (manducatory) musculature, the masticatory musculature or the temporomandibular joint